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Wraps <Link> with additional props for styling active and pending states.

import { NavLink } from "@remix-run/react";

  className={({ isActive, isPending }) =>
    isPending ? "pending" : isActive ? "active" : ""

Automatic Attributes


An active class is added to a <NavLink> component when it is active, so you can use CSS to style it.

<NavLink to="/messages" /> {
  color: red;


When a NavLink is active it will automatically apply <a aria-current="page"> to the underlying anchor tag. See aria-current on MDN.


A pending class is added to a <NavLink> component when it is pending during a navigation, so you can use CSS to style it.

<NavLink to="/messages" />
a.pending {
  color: red;


A transitioning class is added to a <NavLink viewTransition> component when it is transitioning during a navigation, so you can use CSS to style it.

<NavLink to="/messages" viewTransition />
a.transitioning {
  view-transition-name: my-transition;


className callback

Calls back with the active and pending states to allow customizing the class names applied.

  className={({ isActive, isPending }) =>
    isPending ? "pending" : isActive ? "active" : ""

style callback

Calls back with the active and pending states to allow customizing the styles applied.

  style={({ isActive, isPending }) => {
    return {
      fontWeight: isActive ? "bold" : "",
      color: isPending ? "red" : "black",

children callback

Calls back with the active and pending states to allow customizing the content of the <NavLink>.

<NavLink to="/tasks">
  {({ isActive, isPending }) => (
    <span className={isActive ? "active" : ""}>Tasks</span>


The end prop changes the matching logic for the active and pending states to only match to the "end" of the NavLinks's to path. If the URL is longer than to, it will no longer be considered active.

Link URL isActive
<NavLink to="/tasks" /> /tasks true
<NavLink to="/tasks" /> /tasks/123 true
<NavLink to="/tasks" end /> /tasks true
<NavLink to="/tasks" end /> /tasks/123 false

<NavLink to="/"> is an exceptional case because every URL matches /. To avoid this matching every single route by default, it effectively ignores the end prop and only matches when you're at the root route.


Adding the caseSensitive prop changes the matching logic to make it case-sensitive.

Link URL isActive
<NavLink to="/SpOnGe-bOB" /> /sponge-bob true
<NavLink to="/SpOnGe-bOB" caseSensitive /> /sponge-bob false


The viewTransition prop enables a View Transition for this navigation by wrapping the final state update in document.startViewTransition(). By default, during the transition a transitioning class will be added to the <a> element that you can use to customize the view transition.

a.transitioning p {
  view-transition-name: "image-title";

a.transitioning img {
  view-transition-name: "image-expand";
<NavLink to={to} viewTransition>
  <p>Image Number {idx}</p>
  <img src={src} alt={`Img ${idx}`} />

You may also use the className/style props or the render props passed to children to further customize based on the isTransitioning value.

<NavLink to={to} viewTransition>
  {({ isTransitioning }) => (
          viewTransitionName: isTransitioning
            ? "image-title"
            : "",
        Image Number {idx}
        alt={`Img ${idx}`}
          viewTransitionName: isTransitioning
            ? "image-expand"
            : "",

All other props of <Link> are supported.

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