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October 31, 2022

Remixing Shopify

Michael Jackson

Today we are excited to share that Remix has joined forces with Shopify!

Shopify has been a long-time supporter of open source projects that push the web and commerce forward, and this pairing continues that tradition. It’s also great news for Remix, our community, our partners, and anyone who’s excited about building for the web.

Remix adoption is growing at an incredible rate, and we regularly have conversations with many smart, passionate folks in the industry who are creating amazing experiences with Remix. You’ll hear about them in the coming months. They love how Remix encourages progressive enhancement and leverages web standards to help them build fast, resilient websites.

Remix is also leading the way for the React community and setting a new standard for web frameworks. This past week React Router, the heart of Remix, was installed for the 1 billionth time. Additionally, last month we released React Router 6.4—our most advanced and polished release yet with an unparalleled story for both data loading and mutations. And we’re just getting started!

Under Shopify’s stewardship Remix receives long-term backing and support from an established leader in commerce. This move allows us to grow faster and sharpen our focus on performance and scalability. You’ll be seeing a lot more Remix in the wild, powering some of the largest commercial sites on the web. In addition, Shopify itself will use Remix across many projects, and you can expect to see more of Shopify’s developer platform include first-class support for Remix over time.

If you haven’t already, now is a great time to start exploring the framework for yourself. Over the coming years a rich community of developers, educators, businesses, developer tools, and more will spring up around Remix. This is the beauty of open source at scale. You can extend Remix, contribute to it, blog about it, or build a business on it with complete confidence that your investment will be worth it.

For our part, we will continue to run the project in the open as we have been doing since 2014 when we first released React Router. Thank you for joining us on this journey so far. We have many more exciting things in store for Remix, and we can’t wait to share them with you.

Here’s to a bright future for a faster, more resilient web!

For more info, see this post that details how we’ll bring the best of both worlds together for Shopify Hydrogen, and learn more about Shopify’s stance on the open web and the future of Remix + Shopify here.

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